August 12, 2020

There is a growing sense in the RSS

The VHP’s recent statement disowning controversial sanyasin Sadhvi Prachi was seen as an action in this direction. Sources said that the issue of "growing incidents of reactionary Hinduism", especially after the NDA came to power, is something that the RSS wants to deal with firmly as it feels it brings a bad name to both the Sangh Parivar as well as the BJP-led government at the Centre.In what could create more trouble for the government in Parliament, Union minister V. There is a growing sense in the RSS that the government had "mishandled" the issue as instead of the "anti-national" aspect of the entire issue, the government came under criticism for its domineering tactics and for pushing its ideological position.More than 1,400 Sangh Parivar volunteers from across the country are expected to attend the ABPS meet, which will see various current socio-political issues being discussed. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat and general secretary Bhaiyya Joshi are to chair the meet. Mr Bhagwat is likely to arrive in Nagaur on Sunday. The RSS top brass could also take up with the BJP leadership the issue of coordination between the organisation, Central government and other Sangh Parivar affiliates. Mr Khattar, sources disclosed, had a meeting with the RSS supremo on Friday where the Jat quota issue was thoroughly discussed. Speculation is rife that BJP president Amit Shah, expected to attend this meet, could also announce his new team ahead of the three-day ABPS meet beginning March 11. Sources disclosed that the RSS feels there is a lack of coordination within the BJP as Prime Minister Narendra Modi has to himself repeatedly ask and remind party leaders to highlight various government schemes. The RSS’ highest decision-making body is the ABPS, which also see Sangh Parivar affiliates presenting report cards on various initiatives taken by them through the year as well as new initiatives to be undertaken by them this year. A section within the RSS top brass, it is learnt, is of the view that the JNU issue was "mishandled" by the government and, as a result, it had to face flak. The BJP’s preparedness for Din975 the coming Assembly elections might also be discussed with the RSS top brass.Another issue expected to dominate the meet is the Jat quota agitation witnessed in the Manohar Lal Khattar-ruled Haryana recently. Singh on Saturday targeted JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar for calling Rohith Vemula his inspiration, alleging that the dalit scholar had organised a meeting in support of Mumbai blasts convict Yakub Memon. State-wise activities of the RSS will also be reviewed. After the Jat agitation in Haryana, voices have started growing within the BJP’s state unit for a change in leadership as they feel that Mr Khattar, a first-time MLA, has failed to rein in the Opposition as well as dissidents within the party. (Photo: PTI) With the Narendra Modi government facing all-round criticism over the JNU incident, the issue, along with the Jat quota row and incidents of "reactionary Hinduism", could dominate the RSS’ Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) beginning next week at Nagaur, Rajasthan. Mr Bhagwat was in Kurukshetra for the foundation stone-laying ceremony of the Gita Gyanam Sansthanam. In an apparent hint at the JNU incident, Mr Bhagwat had recently said the new generation needs to be taught to chant slogans "hailing mother India". Though the meeting begins March 11, RSS top leaders have started reaching Nagaur to hold parleys ahead of the main event.K.With the Narendra Modi government facing all-round criticism over the JNU incident, the issue, along with the Jat quota row and incidents of "reactionary Hinduism”, could dominate the RSS’ Akhil Bhara Finance Minister Arun Jaitley speaks during a media address at Gyan Sangam-II seminar in Gurgaon

Posted by: chinathreadedh at 05:38 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 30, 2020

One can also use these metals for doors

For any form of wall art or accent, my go-to would be bronze. One can also use these metals for doors and entryways to highlight the entrances and add an element of nature. While the overload of metals likes brass, copper and bronze may be a thing of past, but the usage of it in accents and embellishments of décor items is still widespread. They can be used as bathroom fittings and fixtures, or with part of lightings. Many brass surfaces come with this finish originally, but it can wear down over time. Regular cleaning with a soft flannel cloth is also recommended."These metals are incorporated in minimalistic ways giving even the simplest shaped design an edge over the other, and the best way is to use them as embellishments according to interior designer Nitin Kohli. To maintain, poly coat the metals in a kiln for maximum shine otherwise spots tend to appear in course of time. Interior expert Nupur Gupta opines, "Gold coloured brass legs for centre tables, side tables, consoles, and tabletops are quite popular. They can be combined with contemporary inlay and the metals can be used on screens or as laser cut to create beautiful patterns. According to décor expert Krishika Shah, "Copper and copper patina is a popular metal for wall panels. He recommends using them in moderate quantities to give a luxe and glamorous effect and says, "Along with using them for handles, doors inlays, panels etc, one can also include them as accessories like vases and figurines. These metals have to be used carefully as too much of it can be a bit overpowering. These can be used to highlight walls or accent bedroom walls. They are different from steel and iron as steel gives a more modern feel, these metals give a classic finish. They look super when combined with solid wood and veneers. A clear polyurethane sealer will protect the brass from oxygen exposure without causing discoloration. Brass is popularly used as a surface finish for home decor items such as center and side tables, specifically because of the amount of opulence it brings to the interiors."In the world of décor, metallic surface finishes are the new in thing as they add a lot of oomph to any space. These are not only more long-lasting than paint, but they are also a more sustainable option. Brass is being used for a long time in interiors and home décor threaded rod Manufacturers products, more so in the last couple of years, copper and bronze are also being used depending on the look and the theme of the space. Some easy home DIY hacks to clean or maintain brass include the use of lemon, baking soda etc."Speaking about the maintenance, Kohli, adds, "Brass will automatically start to tarnish if exposed to oxygen, and the only way to prevent polished brass from tarnishing is to coat it with a layer of clear sealer that will prevent air from reaching the metal itself. As we look at the art nouveau style of interior and the resurgence in design, these metals are the most preferred among designers and are making a polished return among aficionados." Refresh the coating every few years to keep the brass shiny and like-new without frequent polishing. These metals are also better than iron and steel as they uplift any given design and are apt for the current trend of maximalism.Brass is being used for a long time in interiors and home décor products, more so in the last couple of years, copper and bronze are also being used depending on the look and the theme of the space.In the world of décor, metallic surface finishes are the new in thing as they add a lot of oomph to any space

Posted by: chinathreadedh at 01:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 07, 2020

The Holy Grail The Holy Grail of server management

The Holy Grail The Holy Grail of server management is the automated, behind-the-scenes distribution of computing resources where needed. IBM has been especially active in the promotion of "autonomic computing": IT infrastructure that is able to monitor, configure, heal, and regulate itself without manual intervention. In this scenario, Ferengul says, monitoring tools trigger automated actions from provisioning or configuration change tools. Server OSes must be patched, applications must be upgraded, new applications must be installed, and server configurations must be frequently audited to ensure that corporate policies and guidelines are being followed. Enter server management: There are server management tools available that take some of the drudgery out of patch update application by automating this process. Threaded Rod Din This is currently getting quite a bit of press in the marketplace and is known by various names, including utility computing and computing on demand. Change and configuration management tools focus on the deployment and administration of application and OS software updates and patches. Tools are in the works that maintain details on server configuration and automatically download, test, and install OS and application patches when needed. From email to file servers to ERP systems, the health of a business is dependent on the health of its IT infrastructure. The underlying vision is that of a server management application that constantly monitors computing resources, such as processor power, memory, and bandwidth, and instantly optimizes the deployment of those resources based on demand. Corey Ferengul, vice president and principal analyst of Operations Strategies at the META Group, says there are numerous tools available for server management. Successful server management automates many of these tasks so they run behind the scenes. In fact, many organizations are experiencing staffing reductions, making this task even more daunting for those left behind. CIOs looking to purchase server management tools should assess their needs and apply this feature-based methodology when evaluating tools. This trend is especially true in IT. Most organizations have policies that govern the proper configuration of hardware assets, including application and licensing requirements. This article is distributed by Server Buddies Server Management and Monitoring by Server BuddiesArticle Source: 1ArticleWorld. Ferengul, for example, says server management tools will soon provide more integration between server monitoring and administration. Finally, policy-based server management and provisioning tools combine elements of all the aforementioned tools into one. Navigating todays tough business environment means effectively managing the existing mission critical infrastructure without increasing costs or administrative resources. One of the ways to accomplish this is by leveraging server management to increase the level of automation for routine but necessary tasks. As server management evolves, this is a trend that IT administrators and CIOs should keep in their sights. In a 2003 Yankee Group study, the Yankee Group's Jamie Gruener, senior analyst for Enterprise Computing and Networking, points out that 76% of system administrators install server OSes and applications in other words, perform server provisioning manually. Image management tools manage OS and application images used for rapid deployment of corporate-approved configurations across multiple servers. Server management tools that ease this burden by providing server-provisioning automation are compelling and can save both time and money. In the ideal world of utility computing, idle infrastructure capacity is minimal because resources are constantly being deployed where they are needed the most. Let's take a look at what server management entails, as well as the various types of server management tools available today and what they can do to make life easier for today's harried CIO or IT manager. From the factory floor to the data center, businesses large and small are looking to reduce costs by wringing maximum efficiency out of scarce resources. In spite of ITs growing importance, budget constraints are forcing CIOs to manage increasingly complex hardware and software infrastructures without increasing the ranks of system administration personnel. The Yankee Group's Gruener foresees server management tools that measure resource allocation and use so that computing power use can be charged for by IT departments. Inventory and asset management is another necessary task that's amenable to automation. Have Tools, Will Automate As the recent flurry of damaging, selfreplicating worms demonstrated, OS patching to repair vulnerabilities is a critical server management task. Inventory and asset management tools are used for auditing server assets and ensuring that production configurations are in tune with standard, policy-based images. And just when the madness stops, another virus or worm attack begins the cycle anew. The Future As server management tools evolve, the level of automation they provide will continue to increase. Why Server Management? Make no mistake: Server management is absolutely necessary. While this vision is not yet market reality, companies such as IBM, HP, and Sun are busy developing applications to implement it. These tools perform tasks such as server provisioning, configuration auditing, patch deployment, inventory, execution of administrative tasks, and monitoring of server log files, says Ferengul. (For specifics on some of the tools available, see "Server Management Tools". In short, everyones looking to do more with less. But, manually managing the constant stream of security patches and updates quickly becomes a Sisyphean task: You need to promptly apply patches, yet you also must test them to ensure that they don't interfere with the computing environment. Todays computing infrastructure is absolutely critical to a modern organization. So Whats Out There Now? The aforementioned 2003 Yankee Group study defines four broad, feature-based categories for server provisioning tools: policy-based server management; provisioning, inventory, and asset management; change and configuration management; and image management. In this vision, a server farm is transformed from a collection of discrete, isolated devices into a common, readily available pool of computing power.The go-go 90s are history, and now that the partys over, corporations the world over are nursing a king-sized post-bubble hangover. The key to doing more with

Posted by: chinathreadedh at 01:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 02, 2020

Our grandparents came from the old country

Our grandparents came from the old country to create a better life. Take responsibility for your job situation. Bill Greer is an untouchable. In the past a client requests a finished piece of or reach him at (330) 990-0788. Boeing also outsourced the electronics of this plane to a Japanese company. Boeing has Russian designers designing the wings. My father left the coal mines of Pennsylvania to find a better life here. Bill is 48 years old and he has 26 years experience as a free lance artist and graphics designer. No longer just another friggin artist, his clients now buy his ideas. They blamed competition from India and China. Accountants are next to feel the heat from off shore competition. In a recent article, Business Week discussed how Call Centers are being sent off shore, sending 10s of thousands of jobs overseas. An accountant in India will access this information over a secure link and process the financials overnight. They do not understand that with technology the world is flat and traditional boundaries cease to exist. That's how I came to live in Akron. Government is about boundaries: political, commercial and geographical. He creates new forms of value for his clients. For example, in his book the World is Flat by Thomas Friedman, he discusses the outsourcing impact on his friend Bill Greer. The best way to describe how to we should respond to outsourcing and off shoring is though this African Proverb: Every Morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up It knows that is must out run the fastest lion or it will be killed Every morning the lion wakes up It knows it must out run the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death It does not matter if you are the lion or the gazelle, When the sun comes up You better start running Author's Resource Box threaded rod Ronald Finklestein, AKRIS, LLC, is a business coach, consultant, speaker, author, and trainer, and has published three books on business success. Finally, never stop learning.A local newspaper recently ran this headline "Ohio lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs". Our parent and grandparents took responsibility when they left the farm or migrated to a new country. Tata India has one of the world's largest and highly trained programming staffs. The new process is three steps. Outsourcing is defined as taking a specific task and having another company perform this service and then reintegrating the results back into the original company. Software gives everyone the same tools and allowed almost anyone the ability to create acceptable art work. In the technology age America is being pushed by two very motivated competitors: India and China. After years of repression they now see that they can have what Americans have enjoyed for so many years. He continues to retool his skills. He is adaptable. Hundreds of thousands of people migrated from farms to cities during the industrial revolution and retooled their skills to find work. 2. Politicians are lawyers not engineers. Being untouchable is the ongoing learning process that a person must go through to move to the next level of professional and personal development. For Greer, the old process was eight steps. He became the idea man. As Satchel Page once said "do not look back they might be gaining on you." The untouchables never look back, they are always looking for the next way to provide greater value. It happened when we moved from the agricultural age to the industrial age to the electronic age. 3. Stop being complacent and waiting for the government to do something. What are you doing to be an untouchable? We have been though this before. You can contact him at info@yourbusinesscoach. Greer pushed himself up the knowledge ladder and retooled his skill sets. He would create the idea, draw it out and email it to his clients and they would finish it. A clerk in the accountant's office can scan a company's financial data to an Internet server. Boeing can employ five engineers in Russia for the price of one engineer in the United States. The process I just describes is known as the creation of camera ready art In the new process Greer's client would requests a design, Greer would create the product using digital software and email the product back to the client. Men who left the mountains and came to Akron to find employment learned new skills as well. In the following example Boeing is building a new plane. This Japanese company out sourced certain electronic components to the same company in Russia that Boeing is outsourcing the wing design to. http: akris. In both of these cases education played a key role in this transformation. Your death my not physical but it is an emotional and intellectual death all the same. Treat your job as your business. On the farm you could get by with a third grade education and no one cared. In the 1950s, in Akron Ohio, rubber companies would rent buses and send them into the mountains of Pennsylvania and West Virginia to bring worker to Akron to work in the Rubber factories. Dell, Citigroup, Microsoft, General Electric and others major corporations now have oversea call centers.netArticle Source: 1ArticleWorld. If you are always providing value there is no need to look back. During the industrial age you needed a high school diploma. His clients include such notable names as New York Times and McDonalds. Our parents learned new skills and found ways to compete in their generation. Microsoft and GE have one of the world's most productive research and development centers in India Companies such are Ford, GM and Mercedes have built or off-shored entire plants to China. Little did he know that working in the rubber factory was no different that working in a coal mine. What is America doing to compete? More importantly "what are you doing to do to compete" to become an untouchable? As I see it there are three things we must do: 1. The results are waiting at the accountant desk when he comes in the next morning. Greer would sketch it, color it, mount it on illustration board, cover it with tissue, package it, and have it delivered. Are you untouchable? Let me define untouchable. People who left the farms adapted, learned new skills and became untouchable in their generation. Off-shoring is taking an entire plant and moving it to another country. When you stop learning is when you die. You can not change something unless you assume responsibility for the results. Technology allows India and China to do the same thing; all without leaving home. This concept of creating ideas moved him into a whole new business. How do you fight this? Outsourcing and off-shoring are here to stay. Programs like Quark Express turned graphic design into a commodity. They do not understand technology

Posted by: chinathreadedh at 12:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 23, 2020

Native Americans used the soapy leaves

However, I do know a lot of people who really enjoy this vegetable, each to their own. What does this mean? It helps to break down or prevent the built up of calcification of kidney stones, gall bladder stones or calcification of joints. Owns her own spas and clinic, and launched her own natural organic skin care range. In the US much research is being carried out on the use of saponins from the yuca on its use in sewage treatment plants to breakdown organic waste faster, also on farm and factory waste. Yuca is often included in formulas for inflammatory conditions like arthritic and rheumatoid conditions. First, peel of the rough brown skin, cut open and remove the hard core. In research it has been shown that the high content of saponins in this plant when ingested stay in the intestines and act on the intestinal flora helping to regulate the balance, stimulating the friendly normal flora and inhibiting others. How do these compounds affect our health when we consume them? These saponins are similar to steroids.

It is a good source of B3 (helps to lower cholesterol), plus iron and calcium. The inside is hard, white and dense, it s quite heavy. Cooking time is longer than for potatoes cover with water and boil until soft. It has been reported that yuca has the ability to break up mineral and inorganic deposits. So with more nutrients absorbed, an increased action of anti inflammation, improved immune system, better functioning organs conditions like arthritis and other degenerative diseases improve. The common potato has the opposite effect to yuca, the potato is part of the Solanaceae family, and contains plant compounds that encourages pain and inflammation, another main member of this infamous family is the tomato! Many people have found their aches and pains have improved by eliminating tomatoes, a long with eating healthier. Certainly used in all sorts of inflammatory conditions. When we eat foods (beans and lentils) or herbs (alfalfa, fenugreek, garlic or tribulus) that are high in saponins they stimulate better absorption of vitamins and minerals and decrease the amount of toxins we absorb. The other attribute yuca has, is its rich source of absorb able manganese, this helps in the process of repairing joints. Author's Resource Box Sonia Jones - I am a Brit living and working in Panama for the last five years. The saponins provide a more alkaline environment (most people s systems are too acidic these days) aiding the digestive tract improving digestion, reducing incomplete digestion and decomposition in the colon which causes unpleasant smelling gases. Similar to the potato in that it must be cooked before you eat it.

Native Americans used the soapy leaves from yuca for numerous conditions.99 of fruits and vegetables, but this one is in the 00. Some will bear edible parts like fruits, seeds, and flowers or stems , but not the edible roots we are talking about here. Drain completely (save the boiled water for soups etc) and add milk, garlic, cilantro, the squeeze of lemon, oil (optional), pepper, and salt. A naturopath, nutritional therapist and reflexologist with 20 years experience. Mash and combine all the ingredients, add more milk if you need to, and serve with your favorite meat stew. A published author of three books. The yucca plant has long blade like leaves growing from a central point from the ground, similar in configuration as the aloe vera plant (but with softer leaves).I love 99. Yuca has a positive affect on encouraging the action of the good guys the friendly intestinal bacteria, which in turn aids the proper digestion of food and prevents the bad guys from flourishing. And due to its anti inflammatory properties it can also help conditions like an inflamed prostate. http: naturalweightlossmethods http: arthritisalternativetreatment http: nutritionwithsonia Threaded Rod Astm Manufacturers Article Source: 1ArticleWorld. When the compound is extracted from the yuca it makes a perfect natural soap or shampoo. The yucca plant is like a small tree, with three medium oval shape blades on each small stem. Boquete Bash 2lbs fresh yuca Milk or you can use rice or soy milk 1 garlic clove, minced or crushed cup of chopped cilantro A squeeze of lemon Salt and pepper to taste A little extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil (optional) Peel the yuca, cut into thick chunks. How to use yuca? Any recipe that calls for potatoes you can be substituted with yucca, just needs more cooking. They help to reduce inflammation of the joints particularly and in the body in general.01 for me. This helps to put less of a strain on our already over worked detoxification organs. Researchers have looked closely at this plants action and its affect on joints and cartilage, the amazing steroid like saponins strengthen the bowel flora of the intestines, breaking down organic body wastes like uric acid (which causes pain) and cleansing mineral deposits that might exist in the joints. It is quite a lot starchier than the potato and a tad sweeter. Poultices or baths were used for skin sores and other diseases as well as for sprains. Some people find it extremely helpful as a mild laxative, encouraging bowel movements. However, no one plant should be seen as the be all and end all it should be consumed along with a whole host of other plants. Yuca is a root vegetable with a rough hard thick brown covering, a little like bark. This is not to be confused with the yucca plant yuccas are widely grown as an ornamental plant in gardens or indoor house plants in cooler climates. Married for 34 years - husband and business partner, who is also a acupuncturist. The yuca root contains high levels of a phyto compound, called saponins which acts as a natural steroid. Other uses it acts as an astringent so will help to reduce bleeding

Posted by: chinathreadedh at 12:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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